Celebrating the Life of Dr. James Cross


May. 4, 2023, 5pm to 7pm

Campus Location

Office/Remote Location

Room 235


Join the Lee Business School and the department of marketing and international business for a celebration of life in honor of longtime marketing faculty member James (Jim) Cross. Faculty, staff, students, and alumni are welcome and invited to remember Dr. Cross. This is an open house-style event, so you are welcome to come and go as needed. Light refreshments will be served.

About Dr. Cross

Dr. Cross earned both his doctoral degree in marketing and his MBA from the University of Minnesota. He began his career working as a market analyst in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and five years later shifted into teaching as an assistant professor at Arizona State University.  He joined UNLV as an associate professor of marketing in 1989 and had been with UNLV since then.

Dr. Cross taught many marketing courses over the years including strategic marketing for the MBA and EMBA programs, marketing policies, marketing channels, sales management, business marketing, and principles of marketing. The majority of his research focused on sales and marketing and was pedagogical in nature.

Over the course of his more than 30-year career here, he was a foundational member of the department. He served in various leadership roles, including eight years as department chair, director of the MBA program, and seats in several committees across campus at the college level and within his department. He was also active in several professional organizations including Marketing Educators’ Association, Academy of Marketing Science, Society for Marketing Professional Services, Society of Franchising, and Beta Gamma Sigma.



Admission Information

All are welcome to attend, no RSVP necessary.

Contact Information

Department of Marketing and International Business
Breann Wickson