AFC Speaker Series: Rimi Marwah


Jun. 21, 2023, 2pm to 3:30pm

Campus Location

Office/Remote Location

BEH 240 And Online


Join us to be inspired by Rimi Marwah as she shares her journey from wanting to be a flight attendant to instead becoming an assistant dean for the Greenspun College of Urban Affairs. Having been at one school her entire professional career, she has a unique perspective on navigating a career path, having held multiple positions with multiple bosses--all at UNLV. There were lessons learned, both good and bad, that she will share about leadership and growing as a professional in higher education.

Admission Information

This event is primarily intended for administrative faculty.

Please complete this registration form to attend the event. Those wishing to attend virtually will be sent a link upon registration.

Contact Information

Administrative Faculty Committee
John Starkey