Accessible Syllabus Training


Feb. 22, 2024, 2pm to 3:30pm

Office/Remote Location



Crucial software warning: Please ensure that the Microsoft Word version you are using is no older than Office 2016, preferably Office/Word 2019. If you do not know how to address this, please email as soon as possible so we may assist in addressing this software concern.

  1. This focuses on Microsoft Word as an example authoring tool for accessible syllabus creation and maintenance. Skills gained may be transferable to other tools that support accessibility settings.
  2. This training presentation applies to a typical syllabus. Any further skill-building or support will be scheduled with a member of the Accessibility Resources Team upon completion of the training and course content.
  3. In lieu of an earlier confirmation, the participants will be enrolled in the associated WebCampus course. The WebEx tool link for this day's session can be accessed there. We may ask for your ACE ID or RebelMail ID if we are unable to enroll you via your UNLV staff email address.
  4. A practice file (DOCX) will be added to this calendar invite and available for download prior to the training.

Admission Information

Open to staff, faculty, and GA/student workers. Register now.

Contact Information

Office of Accessibility Resources (OAR)