Master of Design
The Master of Design program is the only post-professional degree program in North America that provides a cross-disciplinary and research/innovation-driven educational experience that is responsive to current and projected modes of professional practice in the design of health promoting and healthcare environments. The professional development of the students is further enhanced by the program's unique collaborative relationship with healthcare entities that provide opportunities to relate the needs of real-life patients, who are most directly affected by the designed environment, to the development of neuroscience-informed environmental design strategies. Project presentations and structured meetings with specialists in neurology, psychiatry, and neuropsychology are integral to the students' educational experience. The program is designed to further develop early or mid-career professionals' knowledge and skills to enable them to more effectively participate in the integrated design and project delivery processes of built environments that are increasingly being considered as one of three modalities - pharmacologic, behavioral, and environmental - for improving the quality of human life and health.
Tuition & Fees
The Board of Regents of the State of Nevada approved a proposal in December 2010 for the School of Architecture at UNLV to implement differential tuition to the Upper Division Courses of the School’s four degree granting programs effective Spring 2012. Please refer to the Board of Regents Manual, Section 7, on Differential Fees for a breakdown of the additional costs associated with these programs. Get an overview of college costs and more specific architecture costs by selecting Advanced Search on the Tuition Estimator.