- SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS COMMITTEE MEETING 54-10 08/23/2024 at 2:30PMYou may find the notice for the CSUN Scholarships and Grants Committee Meeting 54-10 attached. The meeting will be held in the CSUN Senate Chambers SU 313R and on Zoom https://www.google.com/url?q=https://unlv.zoom.us/j/96224564167?pwd%3D2… Please email Chair corey.gerwaski@unlv.edu or Advisor elba.palacios@unlv.edu for supplemental materials. Please contact one of…
- SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS COMMITTEE MEETING 54-09 07/19/2024 at 2:30PMYou may find the notice for the CSUN Scholarships and Grants Committee Meeting 54-09 attached. The meeting will be held in the CSUN Senate Chambers SU 313R and on Zoom https://unlv.zoom.us/j/94743178496?pwd=hPdjvr95Pdbc9WZx63ebwuFMlK1tfb.1 Please email Chair corey.gerwaski@unlv.edu or Advisor elba.palacios@unlv.edu for supplemental materials. Please contact one of…
- CANCELLED - SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS COMMITTEE MEETING 54-08 07/12/2024 at 2:30PMTHIS MEETING HAS BEEN CANCELLED You may find the notice for the CSUN Scholarships and Grants Committee Meeting 54-08 attached. The meeting will be held in the CSUN Senate Chambers SU 313R and on Zoom https://unlv.zoom.us/j/94175413829?pwd=be12u2wseQrSUubM80qavNo3Up9hQH.1 Please email Chair corey.gerwaski@unlv.edu or Advisor elba.…
- SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS COMMITTEE MEETING 54-07 06/28/2024 at 2:30PMYou may find the notice for the CSUN Scholarships and Grants Committee Meeting 54-07 attached. The meeting will be held in the CSUN Senate Chambers SU 313R and on Zoom https://www.google.com/url?q=https://unlv.zoom.us/j/92712646748?pwd%3D9… Please email Chair corey.gerwaski@unlv.edu or Advisor elba.palacios@unlv.edu for supplemental materials. Please…
- SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS COMMITTEE MEETING 54-06 06/21/2024 at 2:30PMYou may find the notice for the CSUN Scholarships and Grants Committee Meeting 54-06 attached. The meeting will be held in the CSUN Senate Chambers SU 313R and on Zoom. https://unlv.zoom.us/j/95626642722?pwd=AXNBQwgXnS6yaFPcu9B8lD3riPuHBK.1 Please email Chair corey.gerwaski@unlv.edu or Advisor elba.palacios@unlv.edu for supplemental materials. Please…
- SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS COMMITTEE MEETING 54-05 06/14/2024 at 2:30PMYou may find the notice for the CSUN Scholarships and Grants Committee Meeting 54-05 attached. The meeting will be held in the CSUN Senate Chambers SU 313R and on Zoom. https://unlv.zoom.us/j/99214469380?pwd=OueQall0jbxErWHveRCJ6mYgeNIEY0.1 Please email Chair corey.gerwaski@unlv.edu or Advisor elba.palacios@unlv.edu for supplemental materials. Please contact one of…
- SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS COMMITTEE MEETING 54-04 05/24/2024 at 2:30PMYou may find the notice for the CSUN Scholarships and Grants Committee Meeting 54-04 attached. The meeting will be held in the CSUN Senate Chambers SU 313R and on Zoom. https://unlv.zoom.us/j/94425776937?pwd=cFZvS2dxV3k1b2NXWEFKM0d2dmZJdz09 Please email Chair corey.gerwaski@unlv.edu or Advisor elba.palacios@unlv.edu for supplemental materials. Please…
- SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS COMMITTEE MEETING 54-03 04/26/2024 at 2:30PMYou may find the notice for the CSUN Scholarships and Grants Committee Meeting 54-03 attached. The meeting will be held in the CSUN Senate Chambers SU 313R and on Zoom. https://unlv.zoom.us/j/91486104294?pwd=UzROTElJYVZBcnl6OEJtNU4zcFhtdz09 Please email Chair corey.gerwaski@unlv.edu or Vice Chair nadya.perezmartinez@unlv.eduor Advisor elba.palacios@unlv.…
- SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS COMMITTEE MEETING 54-02 04/05/2024 at 2:30PMYou may find the notice for the CSUN Scholarships and Grants Committee Meeting 54-02 attached. The meeting will be held in the CSUN Senate Chambers SU 313R and on Zoom. https://unlv.zoom.us/j/98547502646?pwd=V2UzTTA4czAvS2tKcmt4ZFpLTGs1Zz09 Please email Chair corey.gerwaski@unlv.edu or Vice Chair nadya.perezmartinez@unlv.edu or Advisor elba.palacios@unlv.edu …
- SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS COMMITTEE MEETING 54-01 03/01/2024 at 2:30PMYou may find the notice for the CSUN Scholarships and Grants Committee Meeting 54-01 attached. The meeting will be held in the CSUN Senate Chambers SU 313R and on Zoom. https://unlv.zoom.us/j/93784976018?pwd=Y1ZDNk1yNml3VTVmb2N4ZytqczZJUT09 Please email corey.gerwaski@unlv.edu and marni.dow@unlv.edu for supplemental materials. Please contact one of these…
- SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS COMMITTEE MEETING 53-05 09/13/2023 at 6:00PMYou may find the notice for the CSUN Scholarships and Grants Committee Meeting 53-05 attached. The meeting will be held in the CSUN Senate Chambers SU 313R and on Zoom. https://unlv.zoom.us/j/97010061615?pwd=M3VYdmU1Qm41a0s4eC9mTDllcjJEZz09 Please email christian.abbo@unlv.edu and marni.dow@unlv.edu for supplemental materials. Please contact one of these individuals for access.…