TRIO SSS Grant in Aid
TRIO SSS STEM Grant in Aid
The UNLV TRIO Student Support Services Grant in Aid is a supplement to the financial aid already provided by the University. It is intended to reduce loans and "unmet financial need” as determined by the University’s Financial Aid and Scholarship Office. Recipients are selected based on TRIO SSS project participation, eligibility, and financial need. For the Fall 2023 term, awards will be based on financial need, credit hours, project participation, and availability of funds.
Scholarship Criteria
Applications will be considered for students who meet the following criteria:
- Student is a freshman or Sophomore as of Fall term 2023
- Student is an Active* participant in the UNLV TRIO Student Support Services (REG or STEM) program (i.e. regularly meet with your support specialist and participate in SSS activities)
- Is Awarded Pell Grant for Academic Year 2023-2024
- Has “unmet financial need” as determined by the University Office of Student Financial Aid, OR have been offered/awarded federal student loans without which there would be “unmet financial need.”
- Is currently in good academic standing (2.0 or higher cumulative GPA) with the University.
Students who have received an SSS award in the past will be considered if the terms of the participation agreement during past semesters were met and students are otherwise eligible.
*An active participant is a student who is enrolled at the University, who has been selected to participate in the UNLV TRIO Student Support Services Program, and who is or will be regularly receiving advising and other services (instruction, tutoring, etc.) from the UNLV TRIO Student Support Services Program.
How To Apply
To apply, complete the TRIO SSS STEM Grant in Aid application.
Deadline is Friday, August 25, 2023 at 5pm (Pacific).