Position Budget Increase

If a position budget needs to be increased mid-year, submit a Budget Adjustment Request to Financial Planning, Budget & Analysis noting the PN, Account Number, and new compensation amount, including any stipend or special pay. Identify the funding source for the increase, including related fringe benefits. Use the Budget Adjustment Form to submit budget adjustment requests.

If the position budget increase exceeds the available budget allocation, a budget revision will need to be completed for the account. Use the Budget Revision Form to submit budget revisions.

Position Budget Decrease

No action is needed if the budget does not need to be reallocated to other operating lines. If a position is eliminated or a position base salary is decreased and the allocation needs to be moved to another position or to another operating line, submit a Budget Adjustment Request with position details to Financial Planning, Budget & Analysis. Use the Budget Adjustment Form to submit budget adjustment requests.

Position Account Change

Position actions routed through HR can only be approved on the account where they are budgeted. If a position is to be permanently moved to another area within your Division or FTE splits permanently changed, the account must be updated before it can be processed through HR. Submit a Budget Adjustment or Revision form as appropriate and complete the position moves tab for the transfer to account for each of the accounts impacted.

Central Position Budget Adjustments

When the correct account number is noted on an HR document but the position budget is insufficient and the department has not submitted a budget adjustment request, there will be a permanent budget adjustment processed by Financial Planning, Budget & Analysis to match the compensation approved per the document in the following order as allocation is available:

  1. Reallocation from 79-Reserves
  2. Reallocation from operating lines
  3. If there is no available budget to reallocate, a budget revision will be needed to identify additional revenue