All categories with significant activity should be itemized separately per ledger account as listed on form E3, and other ledger accounts with minimal activity can be consolidated and reported in Row 38 under ‘Other’.

Current Year2

  1. Using the Workday report for the prior closed month.
  2. Cell F8 – Select the month of the closed period report.
  3. Column B – Contains the ledger account numbers that roll up to General Operations.
  4. Column D – Contains the ledger account names that correspond to the ledger numbers in Column B.
  5. Column F – Enter the Expenditure Year-to-Date amounts per the Workday closed period report used.
  6. Column G – Enter your Estimate of Projected Expenditures through year end.

Budget Year3

  1. Column J – Enter Estimated Expenditures for the Budget Year3.
Fiscal Year Notation Date Span
1 Prior Year = FY21 07/01/20 - 06/30/21
2 Current Year = FY22 07/01/21 - 06/30/22
3 Budget Year = FY23 07/01/22 - 06/30/23