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Vincent Perez, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Alliance of Latino Faculty
Vincent Pérez received a B.A. in Spanish Literature from the University of California, Santa Cruz. After graduating, he lived and traveled in Mexico for two years. He earned an M.A. in Latin American Studies at Stanford University, where he also received a Ph.D. in Modern Thought and Literature, specializing in American literature. He was a Dorothy Danforth Compton fellow at Stanford University. His research and teaching fields span U.S. Latina/o literary studies, Race and Ethnic Studies, and Hemispheric American Studies. His scholarship investigates how literary texts operate as repositories of cultural memory and counter-history. His current research focuses on early twentieth-century Latino/a immigration narratives. His book, Remembering the Hacienda: History and Memory in the Mexican American Southwest (Texas A&M University Press), examines early Mexican American novels and autobiographies in relation to the nineteenth-century hacienda or ranch social economy of the Mexican Southwest. His articles appear in a number of book anthologies, including A History of California Literature (Cambridge University Press), Look Away! The U.S. South in New World Studies, (Duke University Press), and María Amparo Ruiz de Burton: Critical and Pedagogical Perspectives (University of Nebraska Press.) Pérez has published in U.S. and Latino/a literary studies in a range of scholarly journals, including Texas Studies in Literature and Language, Western American Literature, and the MELUS Journal. As a UNLV faculty member, he regularly teaches undergraduate courses in American literature and Latino/a literature, and graduate courses in comparative and Hemispheric American literature.