A man with brown hair wearing a suit and tie.

Shaoan Zhang, Ph.D.


Teaching and Learning
CEB 354
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Shaoan Zhang is an Associate Professor of Teacher Education at the Department of Teaching and Learning. His research interests focus on teacher development and doctoral education. In the area of teacher development, he explores effective practices that improve preservice teachers' knowledge, understanding, and application of curriculum and instruction theories through the alignment of university courses and field experiences; in this vein of research, he has also conducted research on new teachers' professional development using the large dataset, the Teaching and Learning International Survey. Recently, he has published several articles in mentoring doctoral students, and is exploring the application of constructivist learning environment and sense of beloning to STEM education pedagogy and curriculum. He has published 25 peer-reviewed journal articles. In his scholarship, he has significantly engaged doctoral students in his research and published more than 10 peer-reviewed articles with his doctoral students.

Research Expertise

Teacher development and microteaching