UNLV Film logo in red
Apr. 3, 2023

Here are all upcoming event dates and competition deadlines for UNLV FILM. Please note that deadlines for the Write Stuff, the Wegner Award, and From the Archives have been EXTENDED from April 1st to April 10th. 

(If you already submitted a script or essay, you can revise and resubmit up through April 10th. Judges will consider the most RECENT upload of your work.)

THE WRITE STUFF (short scriptwriting competition) - submit by April 10th

THE WEGNER AWARD (critical writing competition) - submit by April 10th

SPRING FLICKS (our annual film festival - a UNLV FILM tradition) - submit by April 16th

SPRING FLICKS BUMPERS (2 mins or less) - submit by April 18th

PENNY PATRICK POTLUCK - Join us as we celebrate the achievements and retirement of our beloved screenwriting professor, Penny Patrick. 12-2 pm on April 19th in the FILM main office, FDH 452.

UNLV FILM HONORS CELEBRATION - Monday, May 1st from 6:00 to 9:00 pm in the Student Union Ballroom. Join us to recognize our award winners and graduates for 2022-2023. All students (and family and friends) are welcome. Dinner will be served. RSVP invitations going out soon!