Dear CFA Colleagues and Community Friends:
Welcome back for the Spring 2025 semester! I hope all of you had wonderful and restorative holidays.
The College of Fine Arts community has a very exciting spring semester on the horizon. Most importantly, we continue to value and encourage thinking about the concept of abundance in our educational and artistic work, and in the way we perceive life’s possibilities. This is a mindset that drives the hopefulness and optimism that are fundamental to our educational mission.
As you will read in this letter, a group of our students is hard at work this week with international students from the University of Derby in the UK in our Co-Lab. This cohort of students is devising an original work of art in a completely interdisciplinary context. We also continue to explore socially engaged work in which our students experience their art-making in community contexts, such as bringing art classes to the Shannon West Homeless Youth Center, and participating as teaching artists in our Arts-in-Prisons program in Nevada women’s correctional facilities.
As columnist David Brooks shared in a recent New York Times piece -- after attending a Harvard Graduate School of Education convening on Making Caring Common -- “Community service, whether it’s feeding the poor, sitting with the homeless or championing a cause, is not just to make society better; it is to usher a transformation in the person doing the service.” Additionally, we continue to explore frameworks and ideas for the integration for arts, health, and medicine.
My point is this: the education we offer to our students in the College of Fine Arts is multi-dimensional, and we are passionate about providing life-enhancing exceptional and adventurous experiences to all of our students, as well as supporting our very talented and successful faculty in their lives, as they continue to flourish in teaching, creative activities, and research. It is an absolute joy to do so!
We continue to be very focused on the new Contemporary Learning Center for the Arts, a College of Fine Arts building (now pre-designed and programmed) that we hope to build in the next 5-6 years on the site where Grant Hall currently stands. Led by the visual arts and celebrating interdisciplinary opportunities and the most innovative technologies for art-making, research and creative activities, this building will have the flexibility required to match the trajectory of art studies over the next 100+ years. Later this year, we will update you all with exciting news about plans for this building of the future.
Safety and security are always top of mind in the College of Fine Arts, as they are for the entire university. We are pleased to share that, with the guidance and assistance of UNLV’s facilities leaders and safety and security teams on campus, and with valuable input from college leaders, we have significantly improved the circumstances of a section of the CFA footprint, adding fencing and other modifications for two college buildings across Maryland Parkway, HAB (Music studios and classrooms) and GRS (Graduate Art Studios). We will continue to actively monitor these crucial matters for the entire college.
I am delighted to share information about projects that we have planned over the next months, in addition to reflecting upon a number of successful endeavors that we have celebrated over the past year. In future newsletters we will keep adding news and information about these and other remarkable opportunities that underscore the significance of the arts to society and the amazing possibilities that come about in the lives of artists.
As mentioned above, the Co-Lab devised interdisciplinary and international arts experience encompasses the following: A group of students from University of Derby in the UK has been on campus this month to work with a selected cohort of College of Fine Arts students (representing all seven of our academic disciplines) to create together our second Co-Lab opportunity to devise an original piece of art to be performed February 5 at The Composers Room in the Commercial Center of Las Vegas, and then to follow in the summer of 2025 Co-Lab performances will take place at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
We are continuing to present events in an expanded season at the Commercial Center (The Composers Room) under the theme Arts in the Center. All of these engagements are free, preceded by a complimentary dinner, and open to the public (with reservations preferred). As part of the season, on January 22 we will present a panel to introduce the winner of the Second Pamela Philips Oland Competition for Excellence in Lyrics Writing. This year’s winner, Ben Wagner, will participate on the panel as part of his mini-residency on campus. The panel will also feature our donor, Ms. Oland, for whom the competition is named, and who is in her own right a celebrated lyrics artist, as well as Professor Kirsten Brandt, Chair of the UNLV Department of Theatre and Executive Director of Nevada Conservatory Theatre.
All of our units will continue with their engaging performance, film and exhibition seasons.
Please visit our events for January and February.
Additional information for spring is available.
Featured national and international college activities: The Department of Dance will be featured in New York performances at the Joyce Theater (April 5) and at St. Mark’s Church (April 6). *The UNLV Wind Orchestra will be performing in the French Festival des Anches D’Azur, in the city of La Croix Valmer, with its concert scheduled on June 29. Last October the Department of Dance students participated in the Together 8 concert in Seoul, South Korea with dance students from our long-time partner institution, the Korea National Sports University. We also participated in a Festival and artistic collaboration with the Autonomous University of Chihuahua in Mexico last September.
The first endowed and named chair in the College of Fine Arts: Last month we were thrilled to accept a generous gift from David Mulkey, M.D. and Laura Taylor Mulkey to establish the David Mulkey, M.D. and Laura Taylor Mulkey Chair in Jazz and Commercial Music. The first person to hold this chair is Professor David Loeb.
U2 band’s gift to the School of Music: As you will learn in the newsletter announcements today, we are extremely honored that the band U2 has gifted $300,000 to the School of Music to fund scholarships and performance, travel, creative activity/scholarship activities for music students.
This spring we are celebrating the Mario Basner Passion Project winners: three students -- who were chosen from a competitive pool of applicants -- will travel to different destinations in the world to explore questions of personal identity, discovery and art-making through their creative photography practices.
The opening reception of a new Barrick Museum of Art exhibition featuring the work of artist Yoko Kondo Konopik will take place on January 24, 5-8 p.m.
Sundance Film Festival: A group of students chosen from the UNLV Department of Film will attend the Sundance Film Festival. The College of Fine Arts is hosting an alumni and friends reception on Monday January 27 from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., also hosting a panel entitled “Bridges to Industry.” Additionally, we are proud to announce that alumna Berenice Chavez is the editor of a feature documentary that will premiere at this year’s Sundance Festival. It is called Come See Me in the Good Light.
College of Fine Arts mini-residency and UNLV College of Fine Arts Day for the legislative session in Carson City, April 9-10, 2025, during which a number of the college’s programs will be featured.
The College of Fine Arts has launched a new degree, which is the college’s eighth academic program in the college: the B.A. in Creative Practice. In the fall of 2025 this degree program will also be offered as a completely on-line degree.
The college is actively working on several degree proposals: the BFA in Theatre, BA in Audio Production and the Masters in Art and Entertainment Administration (working title.) There are other new degree proposals in the pipeline as well.
A new short play festival will be presented as part of the Nevada Conservatory Theatre season.
Public Art Mural project collaboration between UNLV art students and art students from the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Mexico. In March our students will travel to Mexico to create the community mural with their Mexican student colleagues. Additionally, the Mexican students will come to Las Vegas to create a mural project here. The name of the Chihuahua festival is: Festival de Marzo de la Facultad de Artes de la UACH: Arte y Tecnología, or UACH School of Arts March Festival: Arts and Technology.
Deans Picks: Dan Bernbach, Senior Vice President of Entertainment Development & Strategy at MGM Resorts International is the next Dean’s Picks guest during the Spring semester. This event will take place March 7 at 3 p.m. in the Barrick Museum of Art, followed by a reception.
AI Fellows UNLV program and related activities: Three members of the College of Fine Arts community have been named AI Fellows:
Professor Adam Paul is a Generative AI Fellow. His work focuses on “Integrating AI into Teaching and Learning.”
Generative AI Fellows: Administrative Innovation
Yvonne Houy
Deborah Seda
Sarah O’Connell, a cultural leader in our region who teaches in the College of Fine Arts, has a newly published editorial in the Artificial Intelligence and Possible Futures for the Arts special issue of Tradition-Innovations in Arts, Design and Media Education: “Cultivating the Creative Ecosystem Amid the Disruption of AI.”
Another AI in the Arts-related project of note in the CFA:
Josh Vermillion (Architecture), Adam Paul (Film), and Julian Kilker (Journalism and Media Studies) are developing an interdisciplinary course entitled: “Voices, Visions, and Structures: AI in Creative Work.”
In December 2024 the School of Music hosted the inaugural week-long Las Vegas Chamber Music Institute (LVCMI) with renowned guest faculty and 30 student participants from around the world.
The College of Fine Arts/School of Music is celebrating the fifth year of a robust partnership with the Las Vegas Philharmonic. With the support of the partnership, music students serve as interns in the administrative office of the Philharmonic. Over the years of the partnership, a number of students have attended and played in an Austrian music festival, as well.
College of Fine Arts 2025 graduation is taking place on Sunday May 18 at 11 a.m. in Artemus W. Ham Concert Hall. Our guest speaker this year is Dr. Rebecca Duclos. Dr. Duclos has previously served as Graduate Dean at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Concordia University in Montreal. She is an art historian, practicing artist, and independent curator. Dr. Duclos leads activities sponsored through the UAx Platform of the European League of Institutes of Art (ELIA). Under this program, she had been working with over thirty art schools in Ukraine and the EU to support art students, faculty and staff whose lives and work have been seriously disrupted by the devastating war in that region.
Sphere activities: The College of Fine Arts will continue to administer and host the community art competition across different educational stages – elementary, middle and high school and then college aged applicants as well. Applicants are trained in the Sphere technological processes. On Earth Day the art will be displayed on the Sphere’s large outside screen.
Alumni activities: The College of Fine Arts will continue awarding ten $500 alumni seed grants each year, through a competitive application process, for artistic endeavors of CFA alumni. This spring we are inaugurating a new mini-residency (the alumna/us will present master classes, performances, exhibitions of one alumna/us each year from a different academic unit. Our CFA Alumni Chapter is very active and we are very proud of their accomplishments!
All of these endeavors illuminate the College of Fine Arts mission statement to “educate, empower and engage creative people to become visionary change-makers in the arts through acts of imagination.” Many college activities are outward-facing to the community. The scholarship and creative activities of our faculty are on the highest level and the generosity of spirit with which this work and creation of knowledge is shared by them is inspiring. Our faculty are outstanding mentors to their students. The dedicated CFA professional college advisors work hard to help students navigate college so they will be retained and graduate. As referenced in the opening of this letter, the experiential opportunities available to students in the College of Fine Arts are a deeply meaningful part of the education enrichment we strive to offer to every single student. We want provide our students the confidence to have rewarding lives in the arts by adventurously exploring many avenues while they are in college. The most important responsibility we have is to ensure that our students feel proud about the myriad of contributions they are poised to make to the world of work and in society for the many fruitful years of growth and discovery to come in their rich lives.
Wishing everyone a meaningful and fulfilling 2025!
Nancy J. Uscher
Jan. 21, 2025