Tony L. Henthorne, Ph.D.
Tony L. Henthorne is Professor in the Harrah College of Hospitality at UNLV.
Henthorne was the first US. marketing professor invited to make an official visit to the University of Havana since the Cuban Revolution. His publications total more than 90 in refereed outlets, including Journal of Travel Research, Journal of Advertising, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. He has also published a book examining the burgeoning Cuban tourism industry.
He was named a Fulbright Scholar to India where he traveled and spoke extensively on the importance of cultural tolerance and understanding. Tony was appointed to the Fulbright National Selection Committee for India and South Asia. The Cuban Hotel Association, Sandals Resorts International, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast are some of his consulting clients.
Areas of Research
- Resort Development
- Destination Development
- Caribbean Tourism Evolution
Industry Focus
- Market Planning
- Strategic Marketing
- Customer Service
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Hospitality Marketing (TCA 380)
- Critical Issues in Hospitality (HOA 777)
- Marketing Systems (HOA 740)
- Society for Marketing Advance: Tourism Track Chair
- Graduate Coordinator: Dual MS/MBA Program