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Scott Loe, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Counselor Education, School Psychology, and Human Services
CEB 221
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Scott A. Loe is an associate professor and graduate coordinator for the department of educational psychology and directs the research clinic/lab for the department's school psychology program. He received his Ph.D. in school psychology in 2000 from Ohio State University. Prior to coming to UNLV in the fall of 2003, he worked as a school psychologist for the Columbus Ohio Public School District. Dr. Loe's work has been published in major school psychology and special education Journals. He enjoys being involved with the National Association of School Psychologists as a presenter at the conferences each year. His current research interests include school wide positive behavior support, response to intervention models, general role and function issues in school psychology, and training models.

Research Expertise

School wide positive behavior support, response to intervention models, general role and function issues in school psychology, training models