Rainier Spencer, Ph.D.
Acting Registrar
Dr. Rainier Spencer is a leading scholar of critical mixed-race theory. He has authored three books (Reproducing Race: The Paradox of Generation Mix, Lynne Rienner, 2011; Challenging Multiracial Identity, Lynne Rienner, 2006; andSpurious Issues: Race and Multiracial Identity Politics in the United States, Westview, 1999), as well as numerous anthology chapters in this field of study. He has been interviewed by and has provided commentary for the New York Times, has appeared on both American and Canadian television to discuss mixed-race identity, and is a featured speaker in the documentary film Multiracial Identity (Abacus Productions, 2010). He is the founder and director of the Afro-American Studies Program at UNLV. Dr. Spencer’s interdisciplinary teaching interests include Afro-American history and popular culture, American slavery, philosophies of racism and racial intolerance, Afro-American literature, and mixed-race identity.