Headshot of Benjamin Leffel

Ben Leffel, Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Public Policy and Leadership


Ben Leffel is an Assistant Professor in the School of Public Policy and Leadership. Dr. Leffel is interested in the science and practice of sustainability governance by cities, states and corporations globally, served as Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Michigan’s Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise, and earned his doctoral degree at the University of California Irvine. His published work focuses on world cities fighting climate change, including the role of private climate consulting (Energy Research & Social Science) and city membership in transnational environmental networks (Sociology of Development), global urban pollution abatement (Environmental Sociology), and climate finance allocation to local governments (WIREs Climate Change). He has also published Op-Eds in the Harvard Business Review, The Hill and the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, and has served as a climate action advisor to the City of Irvine, California.