
The Master of Science in Educational Psychology is appropriate for students seeking the core knowledge, research tools, and educational experiences necessary to succeed in various educational settings. This program is appropriate for elementary, secondary, and special education teachers who wish to enhance classroom skills; students interested in pursuing advanced studies in educational psychology; students interested in obtaining a specialist degree in school psychology; as well as students who plan to apply their skills in government or business settings. Students' individualized programs are tailored with attention to their area of specialization.

Available Options

  • Thesis Track
  • Non-Thesis Track
  • Quantitative Methods Non-Thesis Track


For information regarding accreditation at UNLV, please head over to Academic Program Accreditations.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, graduates will be able to:

  • Understand and be able to analyze key theories related to learning, cognition, and development.
  • Critically evaluate research studies based on each study’s methodology, literature support, and significance.
  • Develop plans for assessment construction, item and test specification, item writing and selection, assessment preparation and administration, test and item analysis, item and test revision to enhance reliability and validity, and various methods for assessments and surveys, such as factor analysis, item response theory, and current issues in psychometrics.
  • Serve as scholars who can critique and evaluate reports of research studies, and use skills base learned through their educational psychology coursework in their chosen career.
  • Understand and be able to analyze key theories related to the selected specialty or elective courses.
  • Understand how to implement evidence-based intervention strategies and/or design and modify learning environments to promote more effective learning.
  • Develop a professional identity consistent with the specialty or elective courses, contribute to the community through their chosen career, and understand aspects of ethical and professional functioning in the chosen domain.

Career Possibilities

  • Educational assessment coordinator
  • Educational psychologists
  • Program evaluators
  • Community college faculty
  • Human resource education specialist
  • Research analyst for school districts, human services agencies, hospitals, businesses, etc.


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Master of Science - Educational Psychology

  • Plans of Study
    • NA
    Degree Worksheets
    • NA
    • NA
    Graduate Handbooks
    Additional Downloads
    • NA
    Related Links
    • NA

Thesis Track

Non-Thesis Track

Quantitative Methods Non-Thesis Track

  • Plans of Study
    • NA
    Degree Worksheets
    • NA
    • NA
    Graduate Handbooks
    • NA
    Additional Downloads
    • NA
    Related Links
    • NA


Department of Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education

We provide instruction in and the delivery of innovative research to inform the educational process from early childhood through higher education via our master’s and doctoral degree programs as well as graduate certificates, including the Intercollegiate and Professional Sport Management program.


College of Education

The College of Education creates an intellectual environment that promotes quality instruction, significant research, and professional service. With four unique departments, graduates receive the necessary tools and experiences to make an impact on local, national, and global scales.
