UNLV College of Liberal Arts Legislative Intern Anandah Muhammad-Henry
Mar. 3, 2023


Each biennium, UNLV places legislative interns and externs in Carson City to assist lawmakers with various duties such as tracking bills, conducting research, and meeting with constituents. The experience takes the classroom to the community, empowering students to have real-world impact on some of Nevada’s most critical issues. The opportunity is open to all UNLV majors, though most participants are political science and law majors.

Each week during the legislative session, we will introduce you to one of UNLV’s interns or externs. This week, we are highlighting an intern from the College of Liberal Arts:


Anandah Muhammad-Henry


                Las Vegas, Nevada


Bachelors of Arts, Anthropology, May 2023

Role in Session:  

I am lobbyist. I registered under Rowe Law Group. I make memos for hearings, do administrative work, schedule meetings with assembly people and senators, and will eventually have the opportunity to testify in favor or in opposition of bills.

What excites you most about the legislative session?

The most exciting thing about session is being able to attend the presentations and committee hearings as they happen. They’re typically recorded and put online for future viewing, but there’s something so much more intimate about watching in person! You never know what’s going to happen, such as who is going to give a moving testimony or call in and complain for hours!

It feels surreal, like I am moving through the world not as a student, but someone who has the ability to change things. This internship, and all of the other students I run across, have made me realize that the two aren’t mutually exclusive!

What do you hope to learn?

I’m hoping to come away from this experience with a better understanding of the policies that govern Nevada. I saw first-hand in a committee meeting on Taxation how just one small change in language can impact a large group of citizens. Additionally, I would like to follow and watch more bills that move away from our punitive systems and towards something that reconciles harm and prevents crime. I’ve seen some promising bills from organizations based in Southern Nevada, now they just need our support!

Which legislative proposal do you find most interesting and why?

I was a part of the session that discussed AB140 deciding whether Nevada would consider Juneteenth a paid holiday, aligning it with the Federal law. In the back row, behind rows of influential people, I sat near the window. The signs obscured my head, the seats in front of me hid my torso, and yet my grandmother was still able to make me out on News 13. I felt so moved by her dedication, and so in tune with the political world of Nevada! It goes without saying that it is one Assembly Bill I plan to keep an eye on throughout the 82nd session!