Apr. 21, 2023


Do you self-identify as a scholar in this area? 

Do you do work that aligns with this iRDA or related areas? 

Are you interested in helping to shape interdisciplinary research and scholarship related to sustainability in arid lands through collaboration? 

Are you just curious about what your colleagues are doing in this area? 

If so, join the Sustainability in Arid Lands iRDA meet-up! Please sign up for a lightning talk slot or just attend to engage in informal conversation with interested colleagues. This event is open to all UNLV faculty. 

Date:  May 8, 2023
Time:  1-3 pm
Location: HRC - 1st Floor Conference Room
Coffee and Cookies will be provided

Sustainability in Arid Lands iRDA Overview

Ensuring sustainability in arid lands requires research in STEM fields and social sciences to interact with each other to inform policy decisions. Similarly, public policy requirements drive innovation that impacts the quality of life. A goal of this area is developing solutions and approaches for sustainability through research spanning this multidisciplinary area in a way that mutually informs and shapes each individual disciplinary approach. Social and scientific problems associated with this topic range from developing innovative solutions for water reclamation and resource management to understanding and addressing social consequences of the heat-islands in cities including juvenile and adult homelessness. Faculty will collaborate on translational research, strategic planning, and communication approaches to facilitate urban sustainability and community resilience to address sustainability in arid lands.


  • Welcome
  • Lightning talks
  • Conversation

Lightning Talk Sign-Up 

Choose a 5 minute slot to informally share your research/scholarship projects or interests. Sign-up for lightning talk. 

If you prefer not to share your work through a lightning talk or lightning talk slots are full, register to attend. RSVP by May 4. 

Please contact Gwen Marchand with questions: gwen.marchand@unlv.edu or 702.895.4811.