News: Hank Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies

Christopher Columbus Powning
Business and Community |

Wayne Newton, Dana Gentry, and Christopher Columbus Powning have all had a role in the state's landmark free speech cases. Here's a look at the choice words and exposés that brought Nevada news outlets before the state Supreme Court.

General Manager Frank Mueller on air
Arts and Culture |

Five years after the station returns to campus, its audience keeps expanding and its DJs are landing stellar jobs.

Business and Community |

Journalism professor Julian Kilker has been documenting the historic ranch, which was once home to Clara Bow and Rex Bell. It's part of a project to preserve ecological, cultural, and educational resources.

Chefs fixing a gourmet meal
Research |

Fixing gourmet meals in an ultra-energy-efficient home requires careful consideration of kitchen appliances.

Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Campus News |
UNLV's Rebelation Media advances to compete at American Advertising Federation national conference in June.
Business and Community |

Team UNLV’s design for an ultra-efficient home gets high marks in the highly competitive Solar Decathlon. Check out the plans at First Friday.

Portrait of Gregory Borchard
Research |

A new book by UNLV journalism professor Gregory Borchard delves into the connected lives of president Abraham Lincoln and 19th century newspaper editor Horace Greeley, both of whom wielded wide influence on the trajectory of the U.S. Civil War and have left an indelible imprint on U.S. history.

Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Campus News |
Students from Greenspun journalism school to webcast four hours of live election results, remote reports and political analysis.
People |

Those fancy graphics you see flashing by on ESPN — they take much more time than you probably realize. Just ask Bob Thompson, the new editor and motion graphics designer at UNLV-TV.

Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Campus News |

Two UNLV seniors top more than 100 students from colleges nationwide

Portrait of Barbara Cloud
Research |

Before her passing, professor emerita of the Hank Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies Barbara Cloud published her book chronicling the history of newspapers and print media in the frontier West and the role those publications played in the economic development of the region.

Claire Schreiner
People |

Claire Schreiner and Emily Anne Miller will be among the women competing for the Miss USA crown this year.