As you continue your education at UNLV, there are several resources on campus to help you achieve success. Your advisor can answer many of your questions and can also refer you to a multitude of offices and services across campus. On this page, you can find pertinent and important information for your continued success at UNLV. Additionally, learn about academic policies, print forms, and contact information.

  • The Academic Success Center (ASC) offers an Academic Peer Mentoring program at no charge to all undergraduate students at UNLV.

  • Learn about various UNLV policies from student responsibilities to credit evaluation policies and academic probation.

  • CAPS offers individual, couple, family, and group counseling for college-related stresses and more.

  • Learn about the note-taking services, test proctoring, ASL/RTC interpreters, and all other necessary accommodations to assist students with the learning process.

  • Find answers to common questions related to the general education core.

  • Get the scoop on how to complete the graduation process and information about ordering announcements and the commencement ceremony.

  • Find information on the different programs abroad, whether they are through UNLV or another institution, the costs, and financial aid.

  • Find out the details about placement tests and tutoring, whether you need to place into your first English, math, foreign language, or chemistry class or want some extra help with a class.

  • Find information about the registration process, class schedule, tuition, and fees.

  • Enrich your education with various organizations, Greek Life, and leadership development.

  • The Academic Success Center (ASC) provides small group and drop-in lab tutoring throughout the school year. Students can sign up anytime for assistance.