News: Lee Business School

man posing at large outdoor statue of coach Jerry Tarkanian
People |

This former Alumni Association president continues to build relationships by connecting Rebels to each other for career development.

point-of-sale machine screen with finger pointing at "security"
Business and Community |

Students gain workforce-ready training and experience for much-in-demand cybersecurity jobs.

individual working on HVAC system
Business and Community |

UNLV joins with other major universities in the West to create a collaborative hub to assist researchers in commercializing their work and to promote economic development.

woman sitting outside
People |

Even after relocating to Phoenix, engineering alumna Lisa Freestone continues to prove a loyal, active, and generous Rebel.

man talking to a younger man
People |

Alumnus Phil Ralston has been as instrumental in the residential growth of the Las Vegas Valley as he has in the cultivation of Lee Business School.

a female student sits in the grass by a tree reading a book
Campus News |

A roundup of prominent news stories highlighting university pride, research, and community collaboration.

photo illustration of man standing
People |

Inspired by UNLV's diverse student body, two-time alumnus drawn back to mentor the next generation of Rebels.

Satellite image of the Las Vegas Valley.
Research |

Annual report from UNLV’s Center for Business and Economic Research predicts 3.39 million local residents by 2060.

woman posing with colorful lighting
People |

This admin assistant has been running around campus since she was a kid. Now she's the 2022 President's Classified Employee of the Year.

Remember sculptor Claes Oldenburg who created U.N.L.V.'s iconic Flashlight sculpture this month.
Campus News |

A collection of news stories highlighting university experts’ insights on and contributions to health, environment, and society.

woman posing in studio
People |

Lee School of Business employee is first runner-up for the 2022 President's Classified Employee of the Year.

photo illustration of nurse with stethoscope
People |

NurseMuse, an online program, helps nursing students learn how to develop patient care plans.