In The News: Department of Anthropology

Slash Gear

Even by modern standards, performing skull surgery on a living person is considered a complicated procedure, which is why it might be surprising to learn that the oldest known case of skull surgery in human history occurred 13,000 years ago in Northern Africa. To give you some perspective, that's more than twice as old as the pyramids built by ancient Egyptians over 4,500 years ago. The Egyptians themselves were known to have performed skull surgery around 4,000 years ago.

Techno Trenz

According to new research, the 3,000-year-old skull surgery in North America is the oldest in the world.

Science News

Bone regrowth suggests a man survived having a hole scraped out of his forehead

Verywell Health

Face masks have saved thousands of lives over the past year and a half. In that time, we've come to learn just how much this cheap public health tool can dramatically reduce the transmission of a highly infectious virus.

Boulder City Review

Much has been written in the Boulder City Review opinion pieces recently about “scientific research” and factual data regarding in the COVID-19 pandemic and efforts to prevent and treat the disease.

Las Vegas Sun

The achievements and character of the following winter 2021 graduates reflect the extraordinary work that goes on day in and day out in Southern Nevada’s institutions of higher learning.

Nevada Independent

Latinos across Nevada, especially those with Mexican ancestry, gathered at churches this weekend for prayer of the rosary and novena, a nine-day prayer and meditation; multiple mass services; traditional Aztec dance performances; and to sing las mañanitas, a birthday song, at midnight.


The more ancient human fossils we discover, the more we become acquainted with how similar our faces and bodies may have been — but what about on the inside?

Boulder City Review

Despite the overwhelming consensus of the American professional medical community that advocate for COVID-19 vaccination and basic disease prevention behaviors such as mask wearing in public in order to lessen the savage toll of the coronavirus pandemic, some Americans remain skeptical of the necessity, safety and efficacy of these public health measures.

Discover Magazine

The human-dog relationship precedes the agricultural revolution. Here's what we know about how it began — with wolves — and the evolving complexity of our loving connection to canines.

Nevada Independent

Flowers were blooming on a recent Saturday inside Winchester Dondero Cultural Center as sisters Ana Martinez and Joyce Mayorquin snipped and folded colorful pieces of tissue paper during a workshop.

Boulder City Review

The United States witnessed a grim statistic on Oct. 1: over 700,000 deaths due to the coronavirus.