Today's Gratitude: Deanna Merino-Contino

On the day of the shooting [Student Life associate vice president] Deanna Merino-Contino selflessly ran down the hall of the third floor of the Student Union yelling to everyone that there was an active shooter and to shelter in place. Dr. DMC's warnings led to people being able to evacuate the bathrooms and other unsecured areas and led faculty, staff, and students to the secure areas of the Student Union. Dr. DMC demonstrated heroism and leadership in the face of danger. Her authentic acts led to me feeling as though my leadership team genuinely cared about me and my safety. Dr. DMC should be commended for her bravery in the face of this threat to her own life and her compassion in the days and weeks following the incident. 

— Heather Richardson, Service Learning and Leadership faculty


Since the Dec. 6 tragedy, the Rebel community has experienced kindness, support, and encouragement from so many. During the month of February, UNLV Today will share daily stories of gratitude with you.

Visit UNLV Strong to read more stories or tell us about the people who helped or inspired you.

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