There are many ways that instructors can demonstrate the impact of their teaching, their commitment to improvement, and the ways in which they are enhancing student learning. Some of the options below may be used to supplement traditional teaching evaluations in annual reports, promotion packets, teaching award applications, and other arenas where faculty are asked to document their teaching practices.

  • Peer reviews are a great source of feedback, and the Faculty Center can support requests for observations. See the request form and the feedback form for more information.
  • A reflective essay can be useful: What is going well in your teaching, and what evidence do you have of its effectiveness? What is going poorly, and what are you doing to make it better?
  • Consider taking a "before" and "after" snapshot of your online course or your syllabus, and annotate it to illustrate what you changed and why, and how it worked.
  • Use a teaching inventory for a self-check and describe the practices you are using.

Teaching Practices Inventory (University of British Columbia)

Document the professional development you’ve done regarding teaching (through Faculty Center, Online Education, or other workshops) and share what you’ve learned and adopted into your practice.

Further reading