Headshot of David Fott

Political science is one of the liberal arts—liberal in the sense of promoting liberation or freedom of the mind, freedom from prejudice, freedom to exercise our rights and responsibilities intelligently. To accomplish those goals, we help students develop their abilities to read, think, write, and speak about the ideas, institutions, and conduct of politics. Our BA program provides students with the academic foundation to pursue careers in many areas at the local, state, and national levels—such as governmental organizations, educational institutions, law firms, political parties, the media, and the military. Undergraduates can pursue research projects with faculty members. Students can earn credits interning for political campaigns or with such organizations as the Nevada legislature, local media outlets, and law firms. Some recent graduates have been admitted to highly selective graduate and law programs, while others have found fulfilling employment without further study.

We also offer PhD and MA programs emphasizing the rigorous study of politics using a variety of methods, hands-on teaching experience, and opportunities for collaborating with faculty on published research projects. Our graduates have been placed in tenure-track academic positions and as analysts in the public and private sectors, while others work in government and on the UNLV campus.

 To learn more about what the Department of Political Science offers, explore our website.

— David Fott 
Professor and Chair