Compensation salary ranges for classified staff are updated by the Nevada department of personnel and are based upon periodic wage surveys in classified occupations.

Each job classification is assigned a class grade. Class grades correspond to compensation schedules that consist of 10 segments called steps. Compensation for classified staff is determined by grade and step.

Classified Salary Schedules

There are two different compensation schedules for classified staff: employee/employer-paid and employer-paid. Which schedule applies to you depends upon which retirement plan you participate in. View your appropriate schedule below.

Starting Salaries

New classified employees are generally hired at step 1 of their range. Depending upon education and previous experience, it is possible to be hired at a higher step in the range.

For an explanation of when an accelerated salary may be requested, please review the Request to Accelerate Salary form and associated Nevada Administrative Code reference.

Please note: Per NAC 284.204, accelerated salary may be requested for open competitive recruitments only.

Salary Increases

Pay increases for classified staff can result from:

Cost-of-living Increases

When the Nevada Legislature meets every two years for the purpose of setting budgets for the coming biennium, it may approve cost-of-living increases for state employees. Authorized cost-of-living increases usually take effect July 1. The classified salary schedules also are adjusted July 1 to reflect the cost-of-living increase.

Annual Step (Merit) Increases

Performance is evaluated annually, and employees who receive a rating of standard or better will receive a merit pay increase of one step on their pay progression date. The pay progression date is either the date of hire into the position, or — if promoted two grades or more — the date of promotion into the position.


Promotion occurs when a classified employee applies and is selected for a position that is classified at a higher grade than the employee’s current position. If a classified employee is promoted one or two grades, placement in the new grade is at the same step as the previous grade. If the promotion is three grades or more, placement is at the higher of a two-step increase over the step held before the promotion (in the former grade) or the lowest step of the new grade.


To request a reclassification:

  1. Complete a new NPD-19 (Position Description Questionnaire) and a Classified Position Approval Form. It is important to indicate new job duties with an asterisk (*) in the duties section of the NPD-19.
  2. An updated resume for the employee.
  3. Attach an organizational chart to the position questionnaire, with the position circled.
  4. Submit forms to the Business Manager for your department. They will obtain appointing authority approval and route to Human Resources.

Human Resources will review the forms and may conduct either a desk audit or a phone audit to discuss the position questionnaire and the new job duties of the position.

If your position is reclassified at a higher grade, your placement in the new grade will follow the rules described above under “promotion.”

UNLV does not discriminate in its employment practices or in its educational programs or activities, including admissions, on the basis of sex/gender pursuant to Title IX, or on the basis of age (40 or older), disability, whether actual or perceived by others (including service-connected disabilities), gender (including pregnancy related conditions), military status or military obligations, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, national origin, race, color or religion pursuant to Title 4, Chapter 8, Section 13 of the NSHE Handbook. Reports of discriminatory misconduct, questions regarding Title IX, and/or concerns about noncompliance with Title IX or any other anti-discrimination laws or policies should be directed to UNLV’s Title IX Coordinator Michelle Sposito. The Title IX Coordinator can be reached through the online reporting form, by email at, by phone at 702-895-4055, by mail at 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 451062, Las Vegas, NV, 89154-1062, or in person at Frank and Estella Beam Hall (BEH), Room 555.