Employee Details

  1. Check all positions currently assigned to the account, using position listing distributed to divisional Budget Officers, Workday, and Account Manager tracking records.
  2. Line out each position by position number (Column 1) and title (Column 2).
    • Use one line only for each position number, unless the position number was filled by multiple employees during the year, then use a new line for each employee and prorate the activity.
    • Enter the Employee Name in Column (3).
    • If the position was filled by multiple employees during the year, use a new line for each employee and prorate the activity1.
  3. Column (4): Enter rank for Position effective Current Year2.
  4. Column (5): Check ‘Y’ if employee has elected the Employer Paid Retirement Contribution (EPC) option.

Current Year2 Projected

  1. Column (6): Enter Full Time Equivalent (FTE) portion that employee is paid from this account.
  2. Column (7): Enter the number of Months that the position is projected to be filled for the Current Year2.
  3. Column (8): Enter the employee’s total annualized Base Salary amount for a full time position.
    • i.e. If employee works half time and monthly pay is $3,000, annual pay = $36,000.
    • Enter annualized pay for a Full Time Contract in this column = $72,000.
  4. Column (9): Enter the employee’s total annualized Stipend amount for a full time position.
    • i.e. If employee works half time and receives a stipend of $300/month, annual stipend = $3,600.
    • Enter annualized stipend of $7,200 in this column.

Budget Year3 Budget

  1. Column (10): If the position is vacant and is expected to be filled with a new employee next year, enter ‘Y’ in this column.
    • If an existing employee is expected to transfer into this position do not select ‘Y’.
  2. Column (11): Enter Full Time Equivalent (FTE) portion that employee will be paid from this account in the Budget Year3.
  3. Column (12): Enter the number of Months that the position is projected to be filled in the Budget Year3.
  4. Column (13): Enter the employee’s total annualized Base Salary amount for a full time position.
    • i.e. If employee works half time and monthly pay is $3,000, annual pay = $36,000.
    • Enter annualized pay for a Full Time Contract in this column = $72,000
  5. Column (14): Enter the employee’s total annualized Stipend amount for a full time position.
    • i.e. If employee works half time and receives a stipend of $300/month, annual stipend = $3,600.
    • Enter annualized stipend of $7,200 in this column

Personnel Tracking

Is this a Part-Time or Split FTE?

  1. Column (T1): If the FTE in Column (11) is less than 1.0 and this is a part-time position, select ‘Y’. If the FTE in Column (11) is less than 1.0 and this is not a part-time position, select ‘N’.
  2. Column (T2): If Column (T1) = N, enter the account number(s) where the remainder of the FTE is budgeted. If budgeted on multiple grant accounts, enter ‘Grants’.

Is the Position Eliminated or Transferred Out?

  1. Column (T3): For positions budgeted in the Current Year2 but not in the Budget Year3, enter ‘Y’ if the position is being eliminated, enter ‘N’ if the position is not being eliminated but is being transferred to another account.
    • Note restrictions on transferring positions to and from State Accounts below2.
  2. Column (T4): If Column (T3) = N, enter the Account Number where the position is budgeted for next year.

Is this a New Position or Transferred In?

  1. If this is a New Position, budgeted in the Budget Year3 but not budgeted on this account in the Current Year2, enter all applicable fields into form E1 NEW PN using estimations or best guesses.
  2. If the position is being Transferred In from another account, enter the employee information into a line on form E1 and in Column (T6), enter the account number where the position will be transferred from.
    • Note restrictions on transferring positions to and from State Accounts below2.

Stipends Only (Row 110)

  • If any employee will be paid a stipend from this account but is paid their base salary from another account, use this section for the stipend amount.
    1. Enter the number of months that the stipend will be paid in each fiscal year and the annualized stipend amount for a full time position.
    2. Note the duties/responsibilities that the stipend covers in the Tracking section.

Letters of Appointment

All Letters of Appointment - Letter of Appointment without Benefits (LOA) and Letter of Appointment with Benefits (LOB) on self-supporting accounts are budgeted as one pooled amount.

  • Row 116: Enter the total salary amount for all LOAs and LOBs combined into the salary columns for each Fiscal Year.

Leave Buyout

Row 117: Enter amounts paid in the Current Year2.

Salary Savings

  • Row 118: Enter salary and related fringe reassignments.
    • The reassigned positions should be lined out above by position based on actual activity and the reassignments shown as a credit.
    • Adjustments can only be made for reassignments of actual salary and fringe paid to the employee.
    • There is no adjustment for vacant positions.

Temporary Grant Funding

Row 119: Salary and Fringe will automatically populate from the E1 Grant tab.


1Multiple employees in one position during the year

Example: P0123456 Project Coordinator FTE = 1.0

Employee Base Salary Period Commitment
1 $62,000 07/01/YY- 11/10/YY
(4.45 Months)
2 $58,000 01/15/YY - 06/30/YY
(5.5 Months)
Total Commitment     $49,575
  • Use a new line for each employee in that position number during the year and prorate the activity.

2Restrictions on Transferring Positions to or from State Accounts

  • Due to State Biennial Budget tracking requirements, Position Numbers are not transferable.
  • State Positions cannot be moved to Self Supporting accounts and Self Supporting Positions cannot be moved to State accounts.
  • If an employee is moving from a State Account to a Self Supporting Account and there is no existing Self Supporting Position available, once the funding has been identified, request a new Self Supporting Position Number from Financial Planning, Budget & Analysis.
    • Use this Position Number and account to update the Payroll Costing Allocation so that payroll is processed on the correct Position Number for the new fiscal year.
  • If an employee is moving from a self supporting account to a State account, an existing State Position must be identified.
Fiscal Year Notation Date Span
1 Prior Year = FY21 07/01/20 - 06/30/21
2 Current Year = FY22 07/01/21 - 06/30/22
3 Budget Year = FY23 07/01/22 - 06/30/23