Accomplishments: School of Dental Medicine

Karl Kingsley, Megan Tufteland, Allison Lenon and Spencer Carlile (all Dental) published "Analysis and Evaluation of the Effects of Melatonin on Oral Keratinocytes: A Pilot Study" in the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research.     
Dr. Moni Ahmadian (Dental) presented "An Unusually Expansile Nasopalatine Duct Cyst Mimicking a Nasolabial Cyst" as a poster during the 2022 American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology annual meeting. Nasopalatine duct cyst (NPDC) is the most common non-odontogenic developmental cyst of the jaw bone that arises in the midline anterior…
Dr. Sonal Shah and Dr. Jyoti Mago (both Dental) co-presented their poster, “The Pivotal Role of Ultrasonography in Detecting Metastatic Head and Neck Cancers: A Review of Five Cases,” during the American Academy of Oral Medicine National Annual Meeting last month. The study found ultrasonography has superior soft tissue spatial resolution compared…
Jeffrey Ebersole and Linh Nguyen (both Dental) co-authored “Comparative Analysis of Gene Expression Patterns for Oral Epithelial Cell Functions in Periodontitis,” which published May 23 in Frontiers in Oral Health, within the Oral Infections and Microbes section.
Jeffrey Ebersole and Dr. Robin Weltman (Dental) co-authored “Precision Periodontics Quantitative Measures of Disease Progression,” which published May 4 in the Journal of the American Dental Association.
Dr. Jyoti Mago (Dental) co-authored “Gingival Squamous Cell Carcinoma Masquerading as Localized Periodontal Disease in the Maxilla: A Case Report," which published electronically April 25 in The Open Dentistry Journal.   
Karl Kingsleyt, Crystal Viss, Gavin Banning, and Sarah Swanbeck (all Dental)) have published their research, "Differential Viability in Alpha-MEM Culturing Media May Predict Alternative Media Responsiveness in Dental Pulp Stem Cell (DPSC)," in the Journal of Advances in Biology and Biotechnology.   
Dr. Christina Demopoulos (Dental) co-presented “Role of Dental Providers in HPV Vaccination and Oropharyngeal Cancer Prevention” during the National Oral Health Conference, which is the annual joint meeting for the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors and the American Association of Public Health Dentistry. One of the study’s key…
Dr. Jyoti Mago (Dental) accepted an appointment by the American Dental Association to be a member of the United States Technical Advisory Group within the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). As an independent, non-governmental organization, the ISO develops voluntary, consensus-based, market-relevant international standards that…
Dr. Tanya Al-Talib (Dental) accepted an appointment to serve as vice chair of the Academic Dental Sleep Medicine Council Steering Committee. Her one-year term begins in May. The American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine is the leading national organization representing dentists who treat sleep-disordered breathing, which includes obstructive sleep…
Dr. Christina Demopoulos (Dental) co-presented “Role of Dental Providers in HPV Vaccination and Oropharyngeal Cancer Prevention” during the National Oral Health Conference, which is the annual joint meeting for the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors and the American Association of Public Health Dentistry. One of the study’s key…
Dr. Tanya Al-Talib, Dr. Hassan Ziada, Dr. Neamat Hassan, Jana Negrescu and Laurenc Kodra (all Dental) co-authored “Molar Incisor Hypomineralization: Awareness among Postdoctoral Dental Residents: A Cross-Sectional Study,” which published April 6 in Dentistry Journal. Negrescu and Kodra are fourth-year dental students.