In The News: William S. Boyd School of Law

American Water Works Association

More than 10,500 water professionals from around the world convened today at the Anaheim Convention Center for the American Water Works Association's (AWWA) 143rd Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE24) to collaborate on creating a sustainable and resilient future for the water community.

Wall Street Journal

Delaware isn’t happy that public companies are fleeing its litigation-heavy business environment to incorporate in friendlier states like Nevada. No one likes losing business, and Delaware has long been known as a jurisdiction for deal makers. But requiring a fee from businesses domesticating in other states or barring corporations’ exits—as the Delaware Supreme Court is now considering—would be a serious mistake.

Business Insider

On a mild Houston day in March 2021, Judge Marvin Isgur prepared to oversee the only case on his docket that morning. It was a motion to recuse his longtime colleague on the bench, David Jones, from a case involving a bankrupt engineering company.


Attorney General Merrick Garland’s appearance before the House Judiciary Committee Tuesday comes amidst criticism from Republicans for refusing to hand over audiotapes of President Joe Biden’s interviews with Special Counsel Robert Hur after Biden invoked executive privilege to keep them private. A House committee has already found Garland in contempt for withholding the tapes and a full House vote could come soon.


Problems and issues related to family court in Nevada go back decades. In 2006, Washoe County family court Judge Chuck Weller was shot by Darren Mack, who was later convicted of murdering his wife. In 2013 in Las Vegas, a family court marshal was accused of excessive force against a litigant who had already been restrained.


In Houston’s close-knit bankruptcy court, judges David R. Jones and Marvin Isgur often stood in lockstep. Former law partners, they transformed Houston from a backwater into a boomtown for high-dollar bankruptcies.


Fenwick & West lawyers were “directly involved” in FTX’s efforts to blur its relationship with a sister hedge fund before the massive crypto exchange went bust, according to a court approved examiner.


Nearly two years after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and removed federal abortion protections, a legal chess game is taking place among states. Since Roe v Wade was overturned, nearly half of states in the U.S.imposed abortion restrictions.

CBS News

If you had to go into debt in recent years — whether it was because of overspending on your credit cards or due to unforeseen events like medical emergencies — getting out of that hole is now particularly difficult due to high interest rates. And, as the costs for essentials like housing, cars, insurance and food keep going up due to inflation, many people have been struggling to pay their bills. That can also lead to debt and make it harder to pay off previous balances.

Las Vegas Review-Journal En Español

For two years, two feuding families filed document after document, extending a contentious custody battle over allegations of substance abuse, threatening messages and “scorched earth” litigation.

The Biden Administration took steps toward decriminalizing marijuana two weeks ago when the Drug Enforcement Agency announced its intent to reclassify the drug from a Schedule I controlled substance to a Schedule III.

Las Vegas Review Journal

For two years, two warring families filed document after document, stretching out a contentious custody battle over allegations of substance abuse, threatening messages and “scorched earth” litigation.