Katherine M. Hertlein In The News

Vaginal dryness impacts more than half of postmenopausal women and 17 percent of premenopausal women – so why is it still so taboo?
New research has highlighted that 74% of adults struggling with their sex lives say it’s due to stress or mental health strain. Sex-related issues can include anything from anxiety and discomfort during sex, to a change in sex drive or more serious symptoms of sexual dysfunction. 7 out of 10 adults facing these issues believe poor mental health or increased stress levels are the cause.
Woman & Home
Sexual anxiety is something that many people will experience at some point in their lives. While we expect it at the beginning of new sexual relationships, feelings of nervousness can seep into established dynamics too.
Play Tech
We all understand that digital interactions can be devoid of human warmth and empathy. But there are times and situations where distance and anonymity are a plus. Dealing with the challenges of intimate relationships is not at all surprising, it is one of them.
Dr. Katherine Hertlein, sex therapist and principal researcher at relationship app Blueheart, says pink flags are similar to red flags, but they aren’t deal-breakers – yet.
There are not many things more infuriating in a relationship than having every conversation abruptly cut off due to a phone call or ‘hilarious’ group chat message.
We continue to have an expanding awareness of sex, gender, and sexuality, aka sexual orientation. Since language has evolved and people have continued to be open about themselves, we have a better understanding of sexual orientation—and that knowledge will only continue to grow. But no matter what, inclusive language around sexuality matters, particularly for creating safe spaces for LGBTQIA+ folks.
K.N.P.R. News
It’s valentines day and the choices we’ve made either mean we’re with someone, we’re alone, or, now that we’re without masks and in Las Vegas, we’re people watching, either downtown, on the Strip, or for a few lost cases, in a strip club.