Two women speak about internships.

Applying for Honors Internships

Taking classroom learning into the real world.

Types of Honors Internships

As you review the list of Current Internship Opportunities, you will find two basic types of Honors Internships:

  • For Credit/Unpaid (HON 395)
  • Paid/Not for Credit

The type of internship is determined by each employer. For both types of internships, students apply for the position directly through the organization that is hosting the internship. Students accepted to a For Credit/Unpaid internship must also apply for HON 395 through the Honors College. Please review the application process below before moving forward.

Creating Your Own Opportunity

As an alternative to applying for an internship on our list, students can approach an employer about the possibility of completing an internship under their supervision.

If the Honors College has not yet approved the employer as an internship site, a college representative will likely have to conduct a site visit and meet with the potential supervisor prior to approving the internship experience. As such, initiating new internships may require significant advance planning.

Application Process for HON 395

  1. Part of the internship experience will be meeting deadlines for assignments that will be submitted to the Honors College. Understanding these assignments will be essential for the successful completion of HON 395 and maximizing your internship experience.

    HON 395 Eligibility and Requirements

  2. Each internship posting includes specific instructions for how to apply with the employer. If, after applying and interviewing, the employer offers you the internship, proceed to Step 3.

  3. After receiving approval from the employer for their internship, students must meet with Dr. Tony Terrell, Director of Advising and Recruitment, to discuss the overall process and required forms. Schedule a meeting with Dr. Terrell by calling the Honors College front desk at 702-895-2263 or emailing Dr. Terrell at

  4. Following a successful meeting with the Program Coordinator, the student and the internship mentor/supervisor must collaboratively complete the Honors Internship Application. This includes information about the student, the internship site, and the objectives of the internship. The application should explicitly state the student’s internship work schedule and responsibilities. Both the mentor/supervisor and the student must sign the Honors Internship Application.

    Honors Internship Application

  5. The student must meet again with the Dean to turn in the signed Honors Internship Application. During this meeting, the student will sign the General Release Form – HON 395 and schedule a mid-semester meeting. If approved by the Program Coordinator, the student then registers for HON 395.

Application Process for Paid Internships

Because students cannot earn academic credit through the Honors College for paid internships, they do not register for HON 395, nor are they required to submit any assignments to the Program Coordinator. Students simply apply with the employer.

However, students who participate in paid internships advertised through the Honors College are asked to submit a signed General Release Form – Paid Internship to the Program Coordinator before starting the internship. Also, in an effort to ensure that our students have the best internship experiences possible, the Program Coordinator will request feedback about the position and the organization.