Use Your Voice: Advocate to Change Your Community Workshop


Aug. 6, 2024, 1pm to 3pm

Office/Remote Location



Advocating can increase health equity in your community and make the voice of the community heard. Workshop attendees will learn how to communicate ideas and concerns to policymakers and how to engage them. This workshop will explore different forms of policy, Nevada’s state legislative process, and the differences between advocacy and lobbying. It will also build on participants' experiences to help them find what will work best to make change and mobilize their networks.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Define policy, advocacy, and lobbying in the context of the policy process
  2. Explain why policy is an important tool to improve communities
  3. Describe the legislative process in Nevada
  4. Identify different ways to advocate and become more comfortable advocacy capacity
  5. Recognize tools that can assist with advocacy work


Amanda Haboush-Deloye, Ph.D., Executive Director, Nevada Institute for Children's Research & Policy

Valeria Gurr, M.A, Ph.D. Candidate in Public Affairs, Senior Fellow, American Federation for Children 

Funding Disclosure:

Funding for this webinar was made possible (in part) by the CDC Foundation. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the CDC Foundation, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the CDC Foundation.

Admission Information

This workshop is open to anyone interested in learning about advocacy or Nevada's legislative process. 

Attendees must register for the workshop. 

Contact Information

Nevada Minority Health and Equity Coalition

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