Resume Building Workshop


Feb. 11, 2023, 12pm to 1pm

Office/Remote Location




Are you ready to level up your life? Join us for our exciting workshop series where we bring the concepts of gaming to career development. Our theme, "Level Up Your Life," is designed to help university students take control of their professional future and reach new heights in their careers. So come along, grab your controllers, and let's level up your life.

Unlock the secrets to crafting a winning resume. This workshop is designed to equip university students with the tools for successful professional and career development. Learn how to construct and refine a competitive resume that showcases your skills and achievements and stands out in the competitive job market. Special emphasis will be given to STEM-related resumes, providing you with tailored information and best practices for securing internships, research positions, and employment opportunities in your chosen field.


Admission Information

This workshop is open to all UNLV students. Join via Google Meet.

Contact Information

Center for Academic Enrichment and Outreach
Alexis Jackson