Lecture: Julie Hubbert (U of South Carolina) on Barbra Streisand, Second-Wave Feminism, and Film Music


Mar. 1, 2023, 5:30pm to 7pm

Campus Location

Office/Remote Location

Room 147
Julie Hubbert


Professor Hubbert's lecture will look at how Barbra’s political activities and interest in feminism led her to challenge and subvert well-established synergistic practices between the film and record industries, well before her groundbreaking directorial debut (first woman to direct a major studio film) with Yentl (1980). The lecture focuses on Funny Girl (1969), Up the Sandbox (1972) and The Way We Were (1973).

About the Presenter

Professor of Music History at the University of South Carolina, Julie Hubbert specializes in film music, American music, and European repertoires of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Her work has appeared in the Oxford Handbook of Music in Film and Visual Media, The Musical Quarterly, American Music, and elsewhere. In 2011, she published her first book Celluloid Symphonies: Texts and Contexts in Film Music History with the University of California Press. Professor Hubbert is currently working on a book titled The Compilation Score in Post-Classical and Post-Modern Film. 



Admission Information

Open to the public

Contact Information

School of Music, UNLV
Jonathan Lee

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