Finding Fandom in Your Research
Feb. 4, 2025, 10am to 11:15am
Campus Location
Office/Remote Location
Eureka Room & Online
Explore using your favorite TV shows, podcasts, movies, games and more in your research assignments for various classes!
Whether you're wanting to talk about Swifties in your sociology class, Dungeons and Dragons in history, The Last of Us in English 102, or Heartstopper in gender studies, there's a whole world of pop culture and fan studies research out there to explore and make your research for classes a little more fun.
After attending this workshop, you will be able to:
- Explain how being a fan is a type of expertise students can bring to the classroom
- Debunk common myths about scholarly research
- Brainstorm ways of incorporating fandom into different class assignments
This workshop is part of the Rebel+ Libraries Workshop Series. For questions about Rebel+ Workshops, contact