Designing Playful Learning Experiences with Game-Based Learning and Gamification


Jan. 24, 2025, 11:30am to 1pm

Campus Location

Office/Remote Location

Goldfield Room


Have you wanted to incorporate games in your classroom, but haven’t been sure where to start?

Join the University Libraries for an interactive lunch and learn to explore game-based learning and gamification. We will start by differentiating between games-based learning and gamification, exploring different contexts for instruction and identifying which approach best fits each scenario.

The facilitator and attendees will share playful learning experiences they have designed or observed, and participants will consider how these might be adapted to fit their own contexts.

Moving beyond our own experiences, the presenter will then share a worksheet that guides participants through the backward design process to facilitate the development of playful learning experiences. During working time, you will have the option to begin the backward design process, share your ideas for implementing games in your work to elicit feedback and suggestions, engage with example games for instruction to inspire ideas, and/or engage in a question and answer session.

Lunch will be provided for registered participants.

Admission Information

This workshop will most benefit instructors with an assignment to create or adapt in mind, although all interested in games and assignment design are welcome. 

Register now.

Contact Information

Amber Sewell


Open to All