Changing the Focus of Urban Transport from Congestion to Access


Mar. 22, 2017, 6pm to 7pm

Campus Location

Office/Remote Location

Greenspun Hall Auditorium; 1st Floor
Jeffrey Gutman


The Brookings Mountain West invites you to attend a lecture titled, Changing the Focus of Urban Transport from Congestion to Access given by Jeffrey Gutman, Brookings Scholar

The traditional approach of urban transport planners has been to focus on the reduction of traffic congestion. More recently, with the growth of cities worldwide and the ever-present challenge of congestion, transport and urban planners have started to focus on the concept of access as the ultimate goal. How can we ensure and enhance access to jobs, education, commerce, and other services by all segments of the population? This requires a more complementary effort by transport planners and urban planners as well as finance and fiscal experts. The lecture will follow this shift in emphasis, the opportunities it poses, and the challenges in adapting and adopting solutions. It will be based on work being undertaken by the Metropolitan Policy and Global Economy and Development programs at Brookings.        

Admission Information

This event is free and open to the public.

Contact Information

Brookings Mountain West
William Brown

External Sponsor

Brookings Mountain West