AI Provocateurs


Oct. 5, 2023, 12pm to 12:50pm

Campus Location

Office/Remote Location

BEH-240 and Online


Generative AI is emerging as the latest technology to disrupt the arts, design, and media fields. How are creative faculty responding, sometimes in unexpected ways? This webinar co-sponsored by a2ru (Alliance for the Arts in Reseaarch Universities) brings together working artists, educators, researchers, and technologists to discuss how they are exploring AI from diverse perspectives—ethically, creatively, and productively. 

Moderated by Dr. Yvonne Houy, Editor, Tradition-Innovations in Art, Design, and Media Higher Education. The inaugural edition of this new a2ru peer reviewed digital journal - out in late Fall 2023 - will be on Artificial Intelligence and possible futures for the arts.



Admission Information

This event is open to UNLV faculty.

Contact Information


External Sponsor

Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities