Spring 2025 Lecture Series: Challenges and Solutions of Contemporary Urbanism
You are invited to attend the SPRING 2025 International Lecture Program of the online lectures at the Las Vegas School of Architecture.
All online lectures will be moderated by Professor Steffen Lehmann, are public and free with no registration required.
Thursday, Feb 6, from 10 am to 11.15 am Pacific Time
Assoc. Prof. Andreas Lechner, TU-Graz (Austria)
“Building Typologies and their Continual Transformation”
Thursday, March 6, from 10 am to 11.15 am Pacific Time
Prof. Marcos Barinas Uribe, RECU (Dominican Republic)
“Architecture for the Caribbean”
Tuesday, March 25, from 10 am to 11.15 am Pacific Time
Assist. Prof. Peng Du, Thomas Jefferson University (Philadelphia)
“Data-based Computational Urban Design”
Thursday, March 27, from 10 am to 11.15 am Pacific Time
Juan Vieira Pardo, Partner at FOSTER + Partners (New York City)
“Large-scale mixed-use developments: the work of Foster + Partners”
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Meeting ID: 985 1134 7735
Passcode: 36924459