Campus Master Plan

  • Academic and Research Space - UNLV Campus Master Plan

    A key goal of this master plan update is to review the current academic and research space and development on the UNLV Maryland Campus, and to plan to future development of academic and research space to make best use of UNLV's resources, in manner that is most effective for educational and research activities and UNLV's capacity and functional needs going forward, in coordination with other campus elements and facilities.

  • Housing - UNLV Campus Master Plan

    Housing for students (lower division, upper division, graduate, married/family, other), faculty, staff and others interested in housing on or near the UNLV Maryland Campus is an important part of the future of UNLV. The master plan update will look at how the integration of expanded housing opportunities on or adjacent to the UNLV Maryland Campus can support the future development of UNLV, and a more residential UNLV Maryland Campus.

  • Athletics and Recreation - UNLV Campus Master Plan

    Collegiate Athletics and student recreation are vital part of a university experience. The master plan update will look at how campus athletics and recreation can be supported through both dedicated and shared facilities. The consideration of a 50,000 -- 60,000 spectator 'Mega-Events Center' on campus will support bringing UNLV Football to the UNLV Maryland Campus, which could change the entire quality and dynamic of campus. Other collegiate athletics and student recreation facilities will need to be considered for placement on campus or adjacent to campus, to support the 'Mega-Events Center'.

  • Campus Open Space and Circulation

    Campus open spaces, such as malls, quadrangles, non-athletic fields, plazas, gardens and other spaces, as well as campus walks, paths, drives and other circulation spaces, are campus elements that in many ways organize the campus and connect the campus facilities and community. The master plan update will look at how campus open space and circulation can be improved and extended to support the entirety of the UNLV Maryland Campus.

  • Campus Events Facilities - UNLV Campus Master Plan

    Campus open spaces, such as malls, quadrangles, non-athletic fields, plazas, gardens and other spaces, as well as campus walks, paths, drives and other circulation spaces, are campus elements that in many ways organize the campus and connect the campus facilities and community. The master plan update will look at how campus open space and circulation can be improved and extended to support the entirety of the UNLV Maryland Campus.

  • Midtown UNLV - UNLV Campus Master Plan

    The development of a University District on the east side of the UNLV Maryland Campus, in coordination with Clark County, private landowners and other entities, is a major part of the long-term vision of UNLV. The goal to develop Midtown UNLV to create a University District environment that combines the energy of an urban university with the needs of the Clark County community, to extend the educational, housing, cultural and other components of a university environment in Clark County, remains a key component of the master plan update.

  • University Village - UNLV Campus Master Plan

    The ability of the campus to have a 'University Village' component in connection with the 'Mega-Events Center', where student/faculty/staff housing could be located in some capacity, along with campus and major event appropriate dining, shopping and retail activities that are commonly found adjacent to many major residential university campuses is part of the master planning update process. New space also will be considered in this planning effort for educational, cultural and civic activities, providing an enhanced experience for everyone visiting UNLV, be it to attend classes, work on campus, or attend a concert, show, or athletic event.

  • Parking and Campus Access - UNLV Campus Master Plan

    Parking and access is a critical component on any university campus for all campus users and visitors. Parking is also a sensitive use of land that needs to be convenient and efficient. The master plan update will look at the manner in which parking can support the UNLV Maryland Campus, through continued conversion of parking from surface to structured parking, and coordination with other modes of transit (bus, bicycle, pedestrian, other). Campus access and vehicular circulation will also be studied in the master plan update.

  • Mass Transit and Other Means of Transit to Campus - UNLV Campus Master Plan

    The ability to further link students, faculty, staff and the community to the UNLV Maryland Campus through mass-transit opportunities in Southern Nevada will be studied in the master plan update. In addition to current plans to develop a UNLV Transit Center on campus in coordination with the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, other methods of transit will be studied in the master plan update to support efficient, sustainable and effective access to the campus.

  • Coordination and Collaboration - UNLV Campus Master Plan

    The UNLV Maryland Campus resides in an area with a variety of public and private landowners and land uses, such as Clark County, McCarran Airport and a wide variety of private landowners. Planning and development of the campus requires significant coordination and collaboration with these entities, to support the successful development of the campus in cohesive manner with these entities.

  • Campus Edges, Image, and Gateways - UNLV Campus Master Plan

    The master plan update will look at how the campus interacts with and connects to the community beyond. Issues of the quality of campus edges, how the campus appears to the community beyond, key entry points and campus gateways, among other items, will be investigated in the master plan update.

  • Purpose, Collaboration and Acknowledgements

    Dave Frommer, Executive Director of Planning and Construction, explains the reasons for master planning, the purpose of master planning, and the nature of master planning as a collaborative process.